25 Care Packages Delivered to Inspirationally Grieving My Baby

Inspirationally Grieving My Baby, formerly EllisBearyLoved, is a nonprofit organization inspired by founder, Elizabeth Ortiz’s son, Ellisander. At 33 weeks pregnant, Elizabeth gave birth to Ellisander and was given just 8 days with her beautiful baby. Through her organization, she works to bring awareness of Omphalocele and infant loss by bringing grieving families together.

25 GiveAFriend care packages were delivered to support the mission of Inspirationally Grieving My Baby. These stuffed animal packages are meant to offer comfort to grieving siblings.

Pictured: Elizabeth’s son who experienced the loss of baby brother, Ellisander, and twin sisters who are the rainbow babies of the family. Fitting the mission of Inspirationally Grieving My Baby, the family talks about Ellisander daily.

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